There is no one in Annapolis I trust more for his comprehensive and insightful understanding of the state budget than Eric Gally. Besides being universally respected as a lobbyist with legislators, he’s able to translate complicated processes into understandable language which helps inform successful advocacy strategy.
Kristen Harbeson , Political Director of the Maryland League of Conservation Voters
I am 100 percent certain we wouldn’t have gotten those funds without Gally Public Affairs. It was unprecedented.
Kim Coble , Executive Director, Maryland League of Conservation Voters
Gally Public Affairs has been a strong partner on campaigns to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. Eric Gally’s knowledge of the budget and budget process has allowed us to achieve strong, enduring outcomes for clean water in Maryland. On top of that, Eric and the team are a joy to work with!
Josh Kurtz , Maryland Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Eric Gally is an amazing lobbyist and strategist. He is both in the know on how things work in Annapolis (and beyond) and is able to come up with creative solutions to address campaign needs that lead to campaign success. I am so glad to work with him and to utilize his expertise, experience, and connections to get policy pass for the good of Maryland. He is always my go to when it comes to getting things done for good in Maryland.
Laura Hale , State Government Relations Director, Maryland American Heart Association